Error Types


Authentication is not valid for the given API key. Double check your API key.


The API key does not belong the project you specified. Double check that your API key is associated with the IDs you are passing.


This error can be due to several reasons:

  • Content-Type: application/json is missing in the request header for POST/PUT/PATCH requests
  • Using the incorrect HTTP method on a path (i.e: GET …/entitlements/<entitlements_id>/actions/attach_products)


The parameter provided is invalid. Please refer to the message field for more information.

  • IDs (e.g: entitlement_id, project_id, etc): 1 to 255 characters
  • display_name(applies to Entitlements): 1 to 1000 characters
  • lookup_key(applies to Entitlements): 1 to 200 characters


The request has hit the rate limit for this endpoint. Refer to the backoff_ms field to determine how many milliseconds to wait before making another request to the same endpoint.


The resource with the specific ID does not exist. Double check the IDs (e.g: product ID, entitlement ID, etc) you are passing into the endpoints.


The resource with the specific ID already exists. Use a different, unique value for ID and try again.


The resource is currently being modified by a concurrent request. Refer to the backoff_ms field to determine when to try again.


Request is not able to be processed due to an internal server error. Refer to the backoff_ms field to determine when to try again. Please report this to the RevenueCat team if you are encountering this issue.


There was a problem with the stores (e.g: Apple App Store, Google Play Store, etc). This typically occurs when the stores are unable to process the request. Refer to the backoff_ms field to determine when to try again.


Request is not able to be processed. Please refer to the message field for more information.